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About Us

Our History

Turuki Health Care was founded in 1995 by our visionary group of Maaori midwives, Te Putea o Pua Trust. Our original kaupapa was to overcome health and wellbeing inequities for waahine Maaori. The service grew and in 2002 relocated to Canning Crescent, Maangere under the management of Syd Jackson (Ngaati Kahungunu, Ngaati Porou). The building was opened by Dame Tariana Turia. The board was formed at this time with Syd Jackson as chair, Janice Kuka, Dr Colin Mantell, Bill Takerei, Dr Irihapeti Ramsden, Timi Maipi and Haki Waikato (kaumatua).

The kaupapa and organisation had a reset in 2008 following Syd Jackson’s passing and was renamed Turuki Health Care Charitable Trust.

Turuki Health Care is committed to providing holistic kaupapa Maaori health, wellbeing, and social services. With a strong dedication to respecting our culture, we provide services that look after the complete wellbeing of each person. 


Our diverse team reflects the communities we serve. We're mostly made up of Maaori and Pacific professionals, covering different roles and disciplines (clinical and non-clinical), including our respected kaumaatua. 


We are continually guided by our vision, mission and purpose. Whaanau have high aspirations for themselves and their communities,and are clear about how they want to work with us to make those aspirations a reality. We work to improve health and wellbeing outcomes in South Auckland, by supporting whaanau to identify their own needs and determine the support they want from us. The aspirations of whaanau and communities are at the heart of everything that we do. 



"Oranga wahine, Oranga whaanau"

Wahine and whaanau wellbeing 


"Whakamanatia te wahine, hei oranga whaanau"

Uplifting wahine to strengthen the wellbeing of whaanau 


"Kei te whaanau ake te mana whakahaere oranga"

Better wellbeing outcomes for whaanau, hapuu and iwi through self-identification and self-determination of how needs are to be met 



Aro matawai – Assessment 

Poowhiri, taatai, ahu whenua – Welcome, planning, collaboration 

Whakawhanaunga, manaaki, ngaakau mahaki, aroha – Relationships, hospitality, humility, love 

Karakia, tautoko, te reo, whakangahau, tuku atu tuku mai – Karakia, support, te reo, enjoyment, reciprocity 


Tika, pono, aroha

Correctness, truth , love 

Since that time, we have honoured the early beginnings set by the midwives , and the legacy laid down in the early days by Syd Jackson and the board members, three of whom remain on the board to this day.

Turuki remains committed to servicing whaanau in South Auckland and has successfully extended into East Auckland and holds a national contract for Oranga Tamariki.

Turuki notably supported whaanau and other providers and organisations through the 2020-2022 COVID pandemic and the 2023 Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle damage with a wide range of resources and interventions.

We have continued to incorporate the learnings and innovation from that time into our current services including outreach services, telehealth, wairua services, and workforce development. Innovation has remained an important focus for Turuki to continually evolve and improve services to those we serve.

This organisation continues to thrive because of its kaupapa and its focus on the wellbeing of whaanau to do whatever it takes, and to meet the aspirations of our tupuna not only for Maaori, but for the range of communities who choose to access our services.  Turuki continues to be a strong advocate  for change at a national and local level.

Despite policy changes and fluctuations to funding flows faced by those in the NGO sector, it has been the strong and consistent leadership at a governance level and our organisational capacity and capability from the bottom to the top of the organisational tree, that have collectively sustained Turuki.


We remember and celebrate our humble beginnings, our kaupapa and values that keep us focused on what is important to whaanau and kaimahi, and the vision of those who have gone before us.

We remain champions for change for the inequities and disparities that exist for many in our community in their everyday lives, by providing access to a range of integrated services that support whaanau to become experts in their own health and wellbeing.

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Our Vision, Mission, Purpose
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Turuki Health Care have adopted the Takarangi Competency Framework, whose fusion of cultural and clinical elements guides us in our work and our relationships. Working within this framework, we support our whaanau to access health, mental health and addiction, and social and wellbeing services. The framework contains fourteen competencies which guide us through our mahi. 

The Takarangi Framework

The Turuki Health Care website uses the double vowel convention instead of the macron in the spelling of words in te reo Maaori.  
Most of the services at Turuki Health Care are located and delivered within the boundary of the Waikato-Tainui iwi. This iwi uses the double vowel convention. Turuki Health Care have therefore adopted this convention. 
This is why you will see the following words, as examples, used in our website - whaanau instead of whānau, Maaori instead of Māori, Maangere instead of Māngere.

The language strategy and tikanga of Turuki Health Care is guided by our own Te Paematua o Turuki who advise on all such elements for our organisation.

Use of the double vowel in te reo Maaori on our website

Our History

Turuki Health Care was founded in 1995 by our visionary group of Maaori midwives, Te Putea o Pua Trust. Our original kaupapa was to overcome health and wellbeing inequities for waahine Maaori. The service grew and in 2002 relocated to Canning Crescent, Maangere under the management of Syd Jackson (Ngaati Kahungunu, Ngaati Porou). The building was opened by Dame Tariana Turia. The board was formed at this time with Syd Jackson as chair, Janice Kuka, Dr Colin Mantell, Bill Takerei, Dr Irihapeti Ramsden, Timi Maipi and Haki Waikato (kaumatua).

The kaupapa and organisation had a reset in 2008 following Syd Jackson’s passing and was renamed Turuki Health Care Charitable Trust.

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Since that time, we have honoured the early beginnings set by the midwives , and the legacy laid down in the early days by Syd Jackson and the board members, three of whom remain on the board to this day.

Turuki remains committed to servicing whaanau in South Auckland and has successfully extended into East Auckland and holds a national contract for Oranga Tamariki.

Turuki notably supported whaanau and other providers and organisations through the 2020-2022 COVID pandemic and the 2023 Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle damage with a wide range of resources and interventions.

We have continued to incorporate the learnings and innovation from that time into our current services including outreach services, telehealth, wairua services, and workforce development. Innovation has remained an important focus for Turuki to continually evolve and improve services to those we serve.

This organisation continues to thrive because of its kaupapa and its focus on the wellbeing of whaanau to do whatever it takes, and to meet the aspirations of our tupuna not only for Maaori, but for the range of communities who choose to access our services.  Turuki continues to be a strong advocate  for change at a national and local level.

Despite policy changes and fluctuations to funding flows faced by those in the NGO sector, it has been the strong and consistent leadership at a governance level and our organisational capacity and capability from the bottom to the top of the organisational tree, that have collectively sustained Turuki.

We remember and celebrate our humble beginnings, our kaupapa and values that keep us focused on what is important to whaanau and kaimahi, and the vision of those who have gone before us.

We remain champions for change for the inequities and disparities that exist for many in our community in their everyday lives, by providing access to a range of integrated services that support whaanau to become experts in their own health and wellbeing.

Our Vision, Mission, Purpose

Turuki Health Care is committed to providing holistic kaupapa Maaori health, wellbeing, and social services. With a strong dedication to respecting our culture, we provide services that look after the complete wellbeing of each person. 


Our diverse team reflects the communities we serve. We're mostly made up of Maaori and Pacific professionals, covering different roles and disciplines (clinical and non-clinical), including our respected kaumaatua. 


We are continually guided by our vision, mission and purpose. Whaanau have high aspirations for themselves and their communities,and are clear about how they want to work with us to make those aspirations a reality. We work to improve health and wellbeing outcomes in South Auckland, by supporting whaanau to identify their own needs and determine the support they want from us. The aspirations of whaanau and communities are at the heart of everything that we do. 



"Oranga wahine, Oranga whaanau"

Wahine and whaanau wellbeing 


"Whakamanatia te wahine, hei oranga whaanau"

Uplifting wahine to strengthen the wellbeing of whaanau 


"Kei te whaanau ake te mana whakahaere oranga"

Better wellbeing outcomes for whaanau, hapuu and iwi through self-identification and self-determination of how needs are to be met 



Aro matawai – Assessment 

Poowhiri, taatai, ahu whenua – Welcome, planning, collaboration 

Whakawhanaunga, manaaki, ngaakau mahaki, aroha – Relationships, hospitality, humility, love 

Karakia, tautoko, te reo, whakangahau, tuku atu tuku mai – Karakia, support, te reo, enjoyment, reciprocity 


Tika, pono, aroha

Correctness, truth , love 

The Takarangi Framework

Turuki Health Care have adopted the Takarangi Competency Framework, whose fusion of cultural 

and clinical elements guides us in our work and our relationships. Working within this framework, we support our whaanau to access health, mental health and addiction, and social and wellbeing services. The framework contains fourteen competencies which guide us through our mahi. 

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Use of the double vowel in te reo Maaori on our website

The Turuki Health Care website uses the double vowel convention instead of the macron in the spelling of words in te reo Maaori.  
Most of the services at Turuki Health Care are located and delivered within the boundary of the Waikato-Tainui iwi. This iwi uses the double vowel convention. Turuki Health Care have therefore adopted this convention. 
This is why you will see the following words, as examples, used in our website - whaanau instead of whānau, Maaori instead of Māori, Maangere instead of Māngere.

The language strategy and tikanga of Turuki Health Care is guided by our own Te Paematua o Turuki who advise on all such elements for our organisation.

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